Re: 0.7.12 for Monday?

Subject: Re: 0.7.12 for Monday?
From: Sam TH (
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 17:38:03 CST

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 02:24:51PM -0600, Eric W. Sink wrote:
> > Speaking of which, what are we going to do for a splash screen in this
> > version if the builds aren't rolled by the guys at SG?
> I keep meaning to get the so-called "official" artwork checked
> into the main tree. Are you guys really going to cut a 0.7.12
> on Monday? Given the incredible amount of recent code change,
> I would have speculated that it might take a week or two for
> any new bugs to shake out.
> Anyway, if you guys want to use the official artwork, nag me, and
> I'll try to scrounge everything up.

I also agree that 0.7.12 is seeming premature right now (maybe another
week). However, if you could get the offical artwork into the tree
soon, that would be *really* helpful. I would assume we can also take
this as blanket permission to do away with the AbiWord/AbiWord Personal
distinction. If not, could you please clarify the situtation.


PS - Could you *please* ask shaw to respond to our pleas?

        sam th
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