Re: Win32 for 0.7.12 [was: more iconv trouble]

Subject: Re: Win32 for 0.7.12 [was: more iconv trouble]
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 11:01:39 CST

Dom Lachowicz wrote:
> For various reasons, wv has had an iconv "stub" for a while now. It's not
> getting compiled into the AbiWord binary, and as such, isn't causing your
> problems.

If you're using the makefiles that is. I'm not, since I'm using MSVC on
Win32. When the linker complained I did the equivalent of a recursive grep
for the missing function. When I found it I added the source file and
recompiled. I still fail to see why such a source file (which don't work in
AW) is included in a wv snapshot for AW.

> Mike, perhaps you want to cvs co the libiconv module from cvs??

Perhaps. :-)
I got the iconv snapshot from 0.7.11and I think it works "good enough"
(actually, *no* code changes IFAIK from AW 0.7.9), but if changes have been
made that invalidates 0.7.11 iconv snapshot I think I'd have to get it.
(Sam, is it possible to symlink to a "recent" iconv from "latest"
dir in HTTP snapshot dir?).


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