Re: What's left to do before we ship 0.7.12?

Subject: Re: What's left to do before we ship 0.7.12?
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 17:05:57 CST

In addition:

1) There are quite a few changes in the wvWare CVS tree that are different
from Abi's. I've been linking against that for the past few days, but didn't
want to back-port anything to the Abi tree because of the pending release.
This isn't "show-stopper"

2) Spell Check is still broken for some people


>From: Martin Sevior <>
>Subject: What's left to do before we ship 0.7.12?
>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:56:11 +1100 (EST)
>HI everyone,
> What is left to do before we ship 0.7.12?
>Things I know are missing:
>1. rtf import/export of fields and hence cut and paste of fields.
>2. Better Lists dialog for Windows.
>3. Some minor issues with lists. (Starting a sub list at the first element
>of its containing list does weird things. Undo a cut multi-level list has
>4. Turning off Spell Checking in the preferences doesn't work.
>How long would 1,2,3,4 take to finish?
>With luck I can get 3 and maybe 4 done by tomorrow.
>Is there anything else? Are 1 - 4 show stoppers?

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