Re: Win32 build error - help

Subject: Re: Win32 build error - help
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 20:18:21 CST

Sam TH wrote:
>It is complaining that xap_EncondingManager.h can't
>include iconv.h. However, before the change that broke
>the build, xap_EncodingManager.cpp was including iconv.h
>just fine.

It's gr_Graphics.cpp that is being compiled, and it's that librarys include
path that's used. The fix would be to add the iconv dir to the makefile for

This brings me to another matter, decoupling. And, as a matter of fact,

Is there really a _need_ to expose iconv dependencies to clients of
xap_EncodingManager? The _only_ reason iconv.h is included in
xap_EncodingManager.h is to get to the type iconv_t to be able to use it in
the argument list for UT_iconv_reset.

But why would we want to display to the whole world that xap_EncodingManager
depends on iconv?

A couple of observations:
The implementation tells me it's wasteful to have this as a member function.
If at all, it should be a static member function.
If this function is only to be used internally by xap_EncodingManager, I'd
suggest to remove this function from the class and put it as a free function
(possibly with static linkage) inside xap_EncodingManager.cpp and remove
that iconv.h dependency from xap_EncodingManager.h again.

/Mike - please don't cc

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