Re: Threads, Timers, Hacks and Crashes

Subject: Re: Threads, Timers, Hacks and Crashes
From: Christopher Plymire (
Date: Sat Nov 18 2000 - 17:59:40 CST


>This seems a like a sensible thing to do however watch out for code
>manipulates the timer in the call-back code. The Spell Checker
>does this. Does ThreadLocker poll a member variable until it becomes
>or does if just give up on that event?

ThreadLocker would poll until the other thread gave up the lock (by

>I think we should also put locks around all the Public pieceTable
>Manipulations in pd_Document.cpp. This is not much code and will make
>mostly thread safe. I say mostly because there might be calls
>that by pass pd_Document and go striaght to the PieeTable. If so we
>hunt them down and replace them with calls through pd_Document.
>Anyway I'm off bugfixing the select-all - paste bug.

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