0.7.12 Release Schedule

Subject: 0.7.12 Release Schedule
From: Sam TH (sam@uchicago.edu)
Date: Thu Nov 23 2000 - 16:32:23 CST

Well, I'm currently on vacation, so this will be short.

The last currently marked release critical bug has now been fixed.
Theoretically, means that we should be ready for the release.
However, before that happens, we have the following tasks:

1) We will wait 24 hours for any more RC bugs to be noticed.

2) Someone needs to make a decsion about the lists dialog. We have
the following two options.
        a) Ship as is.
        b) Disable it.
This presumes that it can't be fixed immdiately. If there are
importnt bugs in the list dialog that can be fixed by the end of the
weekend, then I will postpone the release.

However, by midnight sunday night, we will release. This decision
must be made by then. I would like this decsion to be made by Martin,
but if he is unavailable, then it should be made on a
platform-specific basis.

3) Before sunday, I will send another email detailing release

There is some chance that I could be onvinced to lengthen this
schedule, but it is quite slim.

Sorry to have to be hard about this, but we really do need to release.
A great big thanks to everyone who helped get this release to the
point it is currently at. We couldn't do it without you.

Your vacationing RM,
        sam th
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