Re: commit - Win32 Lists dialog and more bugs fixed

Subject: Re: commit - Win32 Lists dialog and more bugs fixed
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Thu Nov 23 2000 - 18:47:12 CST

Martin Sevior:
> How bad is it?

Enough (in my quest for perfection, I'd say this is quite off track).

1. I still don't understand how it should work with renaming of radio
buttons and all, and if I don't understand it I think it's pure luck if I
got it working right. Also, this might indicate that its (visual) design
could possibly confuse others also. It simply has too many states to be

2. I sure don't understand the class AP_Dialog_Lists, why I think it's in
part pure luck that I got it working. All those variables that subclasses
are supposed to tuch (some never used, and others used in the strangest
contexts) added a great deal to this confusion. The fact that some
developers seems to *hate* the C++ keyword "private" is also contributing
greatly to my confusion.

3. You can use it to create new lists, but I haven't even tried to get it to
modify existing ones.

> Does it have the confusing behaviour we talked about if
> you move the pointer out of the dialog?

Actually, I think its behaviour is becoming more confusing by the minute.
It doesn't update itself at all as it should when selecting another
document/another list. Perhaps I can get this fixed tomorrow.

And that's just the beginning of it. It seems every time I play with it I
discover new bugs in AW that needs my immediate attention so I'm quite busy
with other stuff also. :-(

Right now I've found a place that got a comma instead a decimal point in a
string describing a length. Specifically,
getProperty((XML_Char*)"margin-left") returned "1,200000in". That's bad.

OK, I've found the bug (fl_BlockLayout::StartList). I'm fixing it right now.

Please remember that printf fmt string "%f" does produce different results
depending on the locale.

(just as a thought, does this display that the lists implementation isn't as
rock-solid as it should be?)

> Would you be in favour of putting the dialog into debug for 0.7.12?

I really don't care, as I see the need for a redesign of the whole list
dialog system. It's state today is "quite unmaintainable", and then I'm not
using my colorful language.

We might as well put it in 0.7.12 or else I've just tossed a couple of days
down the drain. On the other hand, the call is really not mine. I think it
really needs a few more days work, but if I have to make a decision now: Go,
it's still needs that (framework) redesign wether we release it or not.

> What do you think of the
> checkbox for 0.7.12 release and a proper fix later?

It wouldn't make a noticable difference why I don't think it's worth adding

Enough blah blah blah, back to bugfixing.


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