Re: C++ 'map' needed

Subject: Re: C++ 'map' needed
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 11:04:05 CST

> Personally I wouldn't bother with this. But if you need map, I would
> recommend the very very hackish way:
> UT_Pair

I was thinking of it, and dropped the idea after looking at the header file.
Remember, I was suggesting I'd clean it up. :-)

> IMO it's rather reasonable to use this apporach, especially since
> performance is not an issue in your case.

True. We might perhaps make a distinction when using containers, time
critical and "don't care how slow it is"? :-)

> Of course moving to STL is much better solution - but it seems
> we can't afford it.

It's not about affordability, it's about coding conventions. (It's ":-(" if
you'd ask me).

But if every compiler supported it *for certain*, I'd be the first in line
to say "Let's use it!".

/Mike - reusing my old sig - please don't cc

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