RE: Misc Windows findings, q's and propositins (longish)

Subject: RE: Misc Windows findings, q's and propositins (longish)
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 15:36:46 CST

mike> While looking around this file (and the Purify log) I noticed
mike> some strange things, like GR_Win32Font::measureUnRemappedChar
mike> isn't using its membed m_defaultCharWidth but instead sets the
mike> returned width to zero if none is found.

mike> Is this the correct behaviour? If so, I'd like to remove that
mike> unused member. If it on the other hand is incorrect, does
mike> anyone know why the use of the member m_defaultCharWidth was
mike> patched away? (gr_Win32Graphics.cpp(730))

The reason it isn't used is that the RemapGlyph stuff uses a character
width of zero as the signal that a font doesn't have a glyph for a
particular character value. I'm no expert on MSWindows fonts, so I
don't know if there are fonts around that depend on using a default
width instead of a per-character width. My guess is that if so, we'd
have heard about it by now since the code has been that way for a
couple of months.

A side effect of this (I think might be limited to MSWindows) is that
users with the RemapGlyph stuff turned off will see missing glyphs
rendered as zero-width rather than the font default width. It's not
obvious to me that one way or the other is inherently better: if
you're missing glyphs, you're not seeing what you want anyhow.

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