Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes

Subject: Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes
From: Anders Melchiorsen (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 18:25:11 CDT

Martin Sevior <> wrote on 06-Oct-00:

> We used Gtk+ for the GUI which means that Glade produced code has to
> be tweaked to get working in an Abi dialog.

Yes, I realize that. My point is that if this tweaking could be
separated from the Glade output (instead of mixed with it), the Glade
output could easily be replaced with a new revision.

The i18n stuff can probably just set the labels after they are
created, not during the creation. Other than that, the tweaking seems
to mostly amount to storing a few pointers. I see no reason to
*change* the Glade output, though there is certainly a need to
*extend* it.

Of course, such a restructuring is more work than I am prepared to do
:-(. I guess that for now it is better to leave the dialogs alone and
focus on more serious bugs. I do count dialogs not adapting to the
font size as serious bugs, though.

> Did you use glade for your Paragraph work?

Not really, I mostly just moved code around and stuffed widgets into a
few GtkTables instead of GtkFixed containers.

I actually started Glade a few times to play with fill, expand, and
boxes to get the combinations I wanted. It is a bit faster than
recompiling constantly :-).

Regards, Anders
(address is valid)

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