Commit:Fix for crash while zooming due to Spell Checking.

Subject: Commit:Fix for crash while zooming due to Spell Checking.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Oct 29 2000 - 17:56:06 CST

CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.cpp
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.h
Fix for nasty crash bug due to spell checking while zooming. This uses
handshaking between the timer callback and the main program to ensure
there are no pending events to check a non-existent fv_View.

It would be nice is people on platforms other than gtk could verify this
works since the timer implementations on different platforms differ.

Regarding the turning off the squiggles. I've found empirically that
toggling Spell-checking on and off at least once in the preferences dialog
truns off spell checking. This is clearly unacceptible final behaviour but
is a work around for now.This should also give us a clue as to how to fix
the bug.

ie In preference dialog do
check spelling - off <apply> check spelling on <apply> check spelling off

Turns auto spell checking off. You have to do this every time you load a
new document.

Patches to fix this eagerly welcomed.


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