Patch Status

Subject: Patch Status
From: sam th (
Date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 04:33:57 CST

Hash: SHA1

I have updated the patch on my web page to include both the second patch
from Vlad, and the patch from Martin, all in a tar.gz file. I have not
tested the latter two on BeOS, but will tommorrow.

I am totally unable to solve the freebsd problem. The first problem was
that FreeBSD libiconv doesn't provide all the features that we use. So
that's easy to fix, just compile and link with our libiconv. However, no
matter what I do, it won't link properly.

Basically, what's happening is I'm running gcc -o foo -la -lb and it's
saying that it can't find symbols that I know are in b.

If someone with knowledge of linking things would be willing to help here,
just let me know and I'll send you more data.

However, after I test on BeOS tommorow, I think I'm going to commit the
whole thing. Maintaining all these patches is just too much work.

        sam th
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