Repeatable crash sequence...

Subject: Repeatable crash sequence...
From: Guillaume Proux (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 20:25:50 CDT


> The code has been in place for about 3 weeks. I think that if someone can
> come up with a repeatable crash sequence I can fix the bug.

Hi about the repeatable crash sequence. I spent my evening yesterday trying
to find (and oh god if lucky fix) the bug.

My way of making the problem occur 80% of the time.
- Open the app

(press any key+enter)*repeat until you fill in a page.

Press undo until the middle half of the page, press any key....

It crashes.

I confirm: the spell checking is made synchronously and
the way the application tells you that in PieceParts you got a
frag which is not a strux (in fact the structure looks half unitialized)....


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