fields design -- editing operations

Subject: fields design -- editing operations
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 03:57:11 CDT

In general, the API primitives for document editing fall into three

  PD_Document -- inbound from import, keyboard, undo/redo
  PX_ChangeRecord -- at undo granularity
  PL_Listener -- outbound to views, file export, clipboard

For the most part, all of the necessary editing operations for fields can be
done without widening any of these APIs. (I'll send another note in a
minute about an alternative which would require API mods.)

inbound API calls to PD_Document
For example, here's what the API calls from the parser would look like
during field import:


As far as editing is concerned, adding a field from the UI is user-atomic:

  insertStrux(pos, PTX_Field)
  insertStrux(pos, PTX_FieldEnd)

Updating a field's contents is atomic:


  NOTE: We may need to play with the ordering here. A user-atomic delete
  operation which spans the entire field should probably also be coalesced
  to remove the field boundaries, but since that logic probably belongs in
  pt_PieceTable::_tweakDeleteSpanOnce(), we want to make sure it doesn't
  fire in this case.

Updating a field's properties is also atomic:


By comparison, "normal" editing of a field's contents is trivial, since it
should just be an extension of the existing frag-handling logic in the
implementations of insertSpan() and deleteSpan().

internal use of PX_ChangeRecord
I'll assert that since we're resuing the existing srtux mechanism, nothing
new here is needed.

outbound API calls via PL_Listener
Again, there'll be more calls using the new strux types, which means that
there will be more cases to recognize in the listener implementations.
However, there shouldn't need to be any new methods or arguments in this API.


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