exporting characters with values > 0x7f into Word97 format question

Subject: exporting characters with values > 0x7f into Word97 format question
From: Vlad Harchev (hvv@hippo.ru)
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 14:02:39 CDT


 Currently vresion of AbiWord exports documents with single-byte chartype
(i.e. each character of the document's text is output as 1 byte). For proper
i18n the correct way is using another chartype - that outputs 2 bytes (lsb
first) of character's unicode value or to produce multybyte apporximation of
unicode character (if its value is > 0x7f) as string (currently AbiWord
uses printf pattern "&#x%x;" for writing - but Word2000 doesn't understand
such representation at all).
 So, could you please answer to either of my questions (and quickly if
possible since it's midnight begins here):

1) What is the correct printf pattern for representation of unicode characters
   when chartype is the one correspong to byte-per-character data? Does it
   exist at all? If yes, I would be very happy since only only line will need
  to be tweaked in AbiWord exporter, and you won't have to answer my 2nd

2) If there is no printf pattern for representation of unicode characters, how
  to mark current data as taking 2 bytes in output stream? I guess something
  in FIB structure should be modified after it was initialized, or in the
  stucture corresponging to current block. Could you please tell me what
  member of which structure and to which value should be changed after its
  initialization? I grepped over wv for two hours and didn't find the answer

 I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance.

 Best regards,

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