Win98: Compatibility Problem with "Keyman" input manager

Subject: Win98: Compatibility Problem with "Keyman" input manager
From: Lukas Pietsch (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2001 - 05:45:42 CDT

Here's a compatibility problem with the Win98 keyboard.

I've been testing a new keyboard manager utility on my system:
Keyman 5.0 beta, from This utility allows you to
define custom keyboard layouts and install them alongside the Windows ones.
Keyman keyboards appear in the same taskbar menu alongside with the system
keyboards and can be switched to using the same hotkeys.

Trying to switch to such a keyboard in Abiword 0.7.13 will irretrievably
freeze Abiword.

Keyman 5.0 is the first Keyman version to support Unicode (using the
WM_UNICHAR message instead of WM_CHAR.) Apparently, when activating a
keyboard it will address the active application in some way to find out
whether it supports WM_UNICHAR or not so it can use a fallback mechanism in
the latter case. I imagine Abiword hangs at that point. It doesn't happen
with any other application I've tested in Win98.

Keyman isn't open-source, so I can't tell you what exactly is going on.
I'll report this to too, of course. If anybody
wants to look into it they might want to get into contact with them too.

I'll post this in Bugzilla too.



Lukas Pietsch
University of Freiburg
English Department

Phone (p.) (#49) (761) 696 37 23

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