Re: [ Converting TTF fonts to Type1]

Subject: Re: [ Converting TTF fonts to Type1]
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2001 - 06:14:16 CDT

Hi Pierre,
> I downloaded the source recently with CVS and ran the script on my
> ttf directories as root. It prints fine with no such dialog box, except for one
> oddity: a comma in Arial Bold, which apparently is printed with the Arial Black
> TrueType font, prints as a box.

OK, I have found the cause of the comma bug; apparently an entry
in the postcript table of a ttf font font can be associated with
multiple glyphs of a different Unicode value! In this case the entry
'comma' is linked both to 0x002c (a comma) and 0x00ad (a soft
hyphen). Since the ttf2uafm utility creates the u2g mapping in the
Unicode order, 0x00ad overwrote the earlier mapping of 'comma' to
0x002c. I have made changes to the utility, so that it now checks
whether the postscript entry has been used, and if it has it ignores
the later ucs value, issuing a warnig message. (It turns out that the
MS Windows fonts contain a number of such duplicate entries).

To fix the problem, get the updated ttf2uafm.c from the CVS, build
AW, and either do 'make install' or copy the ttf2uafm binary to
AbiSuite/bin/ and the run script on your font directory
(you should not need to delete the old u2g files).


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