Re: morning hack...

Subject: Re: morning hack...
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 17:26:27 CDT

Going on List. Everyone should know about this cool work.

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 wrote:
> Joaquin> It's still missing the serialization of the view and
> Joaquin> callbackdata, so right now it only stores in a file
> Joaquin> (fixme_log.txt) the name of the ap_EditMethods method called.
> Joaquin> The file gets big very soon, mainly due to cursorDefault and
> Joaquin> cursorIBeam... I've using
> I think we'd want the ability to filter out events like the cursor
> I-beam drawing event (and cursorDefault, possibly others as well).

Joaquin, this is very cool too!.

Yes there is no need to record mouse motion events. We should filter
those out.

> Joaquin> Well, what do you think of this proof of concept?
> Like it very much. I think it would be an absolutely developer feature
> - there may also be a few users who'd actually put it to good use, but
> I suspect it won't be many.
> Does Word have macros, btw?

I can envision two types of Abi macros. Sophsticated and Easy. Easy macros
simply record Abi events and save them to a buffer. I imagine a Modeless
dialog with a "record" checkbox and the option to save the collected Abi
events to a named buffer. The user presses record, which record all their
key presses. Once completed the events could be saved to a named buffer.

The dialog stays up while the user goes about editting and records what
the the user types. Once the user has finished typing these events
are saved into a named buffer. All such recorded passages are
displayed in a combo-box. These macros can then be executed again simply
by pulling their name off of a combo box selection in the modeless dialog.
Then pressing an execute button. The events are then just presented to the
EditMethods in sequence.

Sophisticated macros make full use of our Perl (or other language)
scripting capabilities.

We just use Abi as a regular editor and save perl code to text format. Of
course we need to turn off spellchacking while writing Perl code! I'm
thinking a bit more about the UI of how to do this. Rather than pop-up a
complete Abi Frame we might instead opo up a Modal dialog with an editting
erea which is a generalization of the Preview_Abi class. This version
allows editting and has scroll bars within the drawing area.



(PS. There is too much cool stuff happening right now! We should maybe
just finish off a couple features, get 0.90 and 1.0 done.)

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