Re: Re: commit: UTF-8 recognition patch (2nd attempt)

Subject: Re: Re: commit: UTF-8 recognition patch (2nd attempt)
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 17:32:27 CDT

At 05:17 PM 4/11/2001 +0500, Vlad Harchev wrote:
> > Does AbiWord have a Windows i10ln expert in this list?

         I used to qualify in that regard when I at Adobe, since that was
one of my responsibilities - but it's been a couple of years. I suspect,
however, that I can probably answer questions...

>But it seems you are the only who can see any problems in support/can visually
>distinguish between Hindi, Thai, Both Chinese and Korean :)

         No, there are a few others ;).

> I have an impression (I didn't look at the code) that no special i18n means
>are in Windows code - AW uses unicode internally, so all trickery/special
>support of i18n is using correct functions for painting Unicode chars on each
>version of Windows (though it seems that the informal testsuite for i18n of
>Windows port is displaying latin1 and Symbols (for list bullets, etc)
>correctly at the same time on versions of Windows developers use :).

         That gets us display, BUT it doesn't help with data entry (ie.
input method handling), etc. I need to look into this for the BiDi stuff on

> Also generic support BiDi support is implemented in cross-platform code,
>but tested only under linux.

         It's also been tested on Windows and verified to work, as far as
the code goes. There are issues with input methods, but otherwise it does
do BiDi just fine.


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