Fmt marks and saving (mini POW if you will :)

Subject: Fmt marks and saving (mini POW if you will :)
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 03:58:28 CDT

Anyone familiar with the saving/loading code fancy looking at bug 452?
I think it should just be a question of adding a new magic tag to the
.abw save format which encodes FMT marks.

If no one comes forward, I'll probably take this some time in the next
weeks and learn about that part of AbiWord. But there are plenty of
formatting bugs for me to look at, so I'd appreciate if someone else
felt like nailing this one.

Presently, typing in this:

<switch to 72pt font>
<empty line>

results in this save file:

<p><c props="font-size: 72 pt">a</c></p>
<p><c props="font-size: 72 pt">b</c></p>

To fix the bug, I imagine we just need this:

<p><c props="font-size: 72 pt">a</c></p>
<p><c props="font-size: 72 pt"></c></p>
<p><c props="font-size: 72 pt">b</c></p>

That is, saver should translate FMT marks to empty <c ...></c> output.

And add corresponding code in the loader to recognize the empty
paragraph and insert a FMT mark instead of a text run.

Should be a piece of cake...


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