Re: Windows IME support mysteries

Subject: Re: Windows IME support mysteries
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Sun Apr 15 2001 - 16:33:55 CDT

At 11:00 PM 4/15/2001 +1000, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
>If this does not make sense, here is an example:
>Set the default language to Traditional Chinese. Reboot.
>Run AbiWord. Select Traditional Chinese IME (and appropriate font).
>Type r - e - n - space. You'll get the character for "man".
>Hit enter and the "man" character appears in your document.
>Now select Japanese IME.
>Type h - i - t - o - space. You'll get the same character for "man".
>Hit enter and rubbish appears in your document.

         What font is current at the time?

         One thing that MAY be the issue is that IDE's tend to use the
current font to determine what code page/encoding to convert into when
returning information. If the font is one that is "Unicode", it may then
fall back to the default language unless told otherwise. See what happens
if you have switch fonts.

>If you look at the bytes - you've actually been given the BIG5
>bytes and not the SJIS bytes. _emitChar/iconv expects SJIS bytes so
>they get translated using the wrong tables.

         We should see if there is some way to get the Unicode directly
rather than all the conversion...


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