Re: xap_NonUnixEncodingManager

Subject: Re: xap_NonUnixEncodingManager
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 04:23:47 CDT

Andrew Dunbar wrote:
> Umm. What is xap_NonUnixEncodingManager ?
> It seems to now be needed but it also seems not to exist (:

sorry, my fault, I forget this one in the merging process
The rationale was that only unix had a specific EncodingManager, so in
unix somewhere we have:

==== >8 ================================ XAP_UnixEncodingManager.cpp


XAP_EncodingManager *
        if (_instance == 0)
                _instance = new XAP_UnixEncodingManager();

        return _instance;


==== 8< ================================ XAP_UnixEncodingManager.cpp

And we needed the same call (of course, changing "new
XAP_UnixEncodingManager" by "new XAP_EncodingManager" in windows, beos,
qnx & mac, so instead of write a

==== >8 ================================ XAP_Win32EncodingManager.cpp

XAP_EncodingManager *
        if (_instance == 0)
                _instance = new XAP_EncodingManager();

        return _instance;

==== 8< ================================ XAP_Win32EncodingManager.cpp

and duplicate it in all the non-unix platforms, I just added a quick
XAP_NonUnixEncodingManager.cpp in xp land and added it to the build
system if you're not in unix (except that actually I forget to commit
the file :)

Now that it seems that we will have a XAP_Win32EncodingManager.cpp, we
may want to have the beos, qnx & mac peers, even if they only contain

Sorry for the confusion!


Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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