Subject: JPEG support [IMPORTANT]
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 09:54:29 CDT

Dear fellow developers,

I'm currently about to commit JPEG import support.
It is implemted in ie_impGraphic_JPEG.cpp that implements a JPEG->PNG
converter so that we use it in the current Abiword (I really wish we could
store JPEG natively too in the document).
By having this, we can import JPEG anywhere where standard image importers
are used, and in GTK/Gnome we even get the preview in the open dialog. I
tested with both RGB and grayscale, grayscale pcitures being stored as
grayscale PNG for size efficiency. Otherwise they are stored as RGB. (I may
allow other mode to be used, but currently I request RGB. It is an easy

Before I commit it, I'd like platform implementors be sure to include
libjpeg in their build, otherwise, it may break. If you are not willing to
do this, let me know, I'll make JPEG support optionnal.

Importers implementor (Dom at least): add JPEG support for almost free :-)
(in MS-Word I suspect it is a couple of lines)

I'll take care of MacOS, of course.


Lead developer on libcwk

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