Re: Commit: GDK-Pixbuf images (Gnome Only)

Subject: Re: Commit: GDK-Pixbuf images (Gnome Only)
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 07:49:49 CDT

Dom Lachowicz écrit:

> GDK-Pixbuf rendering of images, only on Gnome. Requires a 1-line patch to
> gdk-pixbuf-loader.h (because of an opaque void * struct member named
> 'private').
> I need to get our internal code smarter to actually know how to
> load/handle different image types besides PNG and BMP.

As far as I can understand the code, gdk-pixbuf support is here for
rastering support: it replace the code found in gr_unixImage.cpp that
actually does the job of uncompressing the PNG stream using libpng to
display it.
That is really a different matter from what my JPEG importer does: acually
handling buffer conversion from JPEG to PNG to pass it on. I have traced a
little bit and it appears that the process of importing a JPEG still goes
thru my filter first (because we still does not support JPEG internally) to
provide a PNG stream.



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