distinction -- types of dynamic loading

Subject: distinction -- types of dynamic loading
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 18:43:32 CDT

[ This may have already been pointed out, but I've lost track of the
relevant thread. ]

I think we're all in agreement that one cool feature on the horizon will be
the ability to decouple certain sorts of functionality which are currently
hardwired into the ever-growing binary, such as:

  - file import/export
  - spell-check APIs
  - localizations
  - encodings
  - etc.

Just to settle on terminology, there are at least three different kinds of
dynamic loading people have been talking about:

1. Automatic. Our binary expects certain fixed entry points, and if the
loader can't find them, we don't run. We already do a fair amount of this
for required system libraries.

2. Manual. At run-time, we look for a specific library and load it
manually via the platform equivalent of dlopen(). If nothing suitable can
be found, we either complain or do without.

3. Discovery. At run-time, we look in a known place for plugins of a
certain type, loading any or all of them. This last case is most
complicated, because all such plugins must export some well-known selector
API so we know which one we want to load.

The benefit of well-designed discovery-style APIs isn't just the bloat
reduction of the original binary. It also means that *new* plugins of that
type can be built and deployed independently of the main AbiWord binaries.
However, until the APIs needed really stabilize, this is far more trouble
than it's worth.


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