policy clarification (was Re: Inline Images??? [ was: Re: Graphic Images ])

Subject: policy clarification (was Re: Inline Images??? [ was: Re: Graphic Images ])
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 13:44:40 CDT

At 11:31 AM 4/20/01 -0700, Paul Rohr wrote:
>Right now the embedded contents are separated from the text content *inside*
>the XML file -- they're base64-encoded in a data block at the bottom. The
>rest of the XML file is very editable. Just type.
>The only thing that's less editable are the embedded contents, because you
>may need to base64-decode them before mucking with them. Is that so bad?
>If you want to get rid of the whole thing, you just delete the whole data

Whoops. I phrased that wrong.

As it states quite clearly at the top of every AbiWord file, we do *not*
officially encourage anyone to construct AbiWord documents by "just typing".
If you don't know what you're doing, it's not hard to corrupt your document
in any of the following ways:

  - make it an invalid XML document that won't parse
  - screw up details of the AbiWord file format so it won't display properly

We've been working very hard to make a nice appealing editor that everyone
can use on their platform of choice, so that nobody has to edit their
documents by hand.

However, it *is* an XML file format, so we recognize that some folks may
choose to "live dangerously" and hack directly at the files to do
interesting things that aren't supported by the editor yet. Just because
AbiWord developers have a habit of "living dangerously" from time to time,
doesn't mean that you should.

Thus, consider this the official disclaimer that you do so at your own risk,
etcetera, etcetera.


trained professional


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