switching mechanism (was Re: consensus!)

Subject: switching mechanism (was Re: consensus!)
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 16:54:32 CDT

At 10:50 AM 4/20/01 -0700, I wrote:
>[A] This is the switching mechanism I've been talking about, so I'll go dig
>through the archives so we can discuss that intelligently.

The original idea was mentioned here:


Most of the issues currently on the table were discussed a month later in
the following thread:


That thread really meandered -- spawing interesting debates about vector
image designs and GIF licensing, among others -- but as best I can tell from
some quick surfing, the thread wound up here:


Anyhow, these four links should be plenty to understand what I've been
talking about all along.



PS: Google found these even faster. Hint, hint.

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