
Subject: Commit/RFP
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 12:49:21 CDT


I've just committed a few new page-sizes to the fp_PageSize class, taken
from some values obtained via GnomePrint.

Now, GnomePrint also has a few functions to obtain default margin settings
for different page sizes, which I think would be cool to have support for
inside of abi. For example, lookie here (all values in mm):

US-Letter: w:215.899994 h:279.399992 (t:25.399999, b:25.399999, l:25.399999,

A4: w:209.999994 h:296.999990 (t:28.222221, b:28.222221, l:28.222221,

Monarch: w:98.777775 h:191.205550 (t:3.527778, b:3.527778, l:3.527778,

Now it doesn't make sense for us to have 1inch (25.4mm) margins on Monarch
paper, at least not by default. We can definitely be smarter here.

So, would anyone be offended or against my putting some extra knowledge in
the fp_PageSize class to know of these default margins, and code in abi to
use these margins instead of the 1-inch default? This will also probably
need some work done to the PageSetup dialog too.

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