POW: Applix Support

Subject: POW: Applix Support
From: Dom Lachowicz (cinamod@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 12:13:53 CDT

Hi everyone,

I'm suggesting that this might be a nice little POW and a way to get
familiar with Abi's import/export mechanism.

If you're not familiar with Applix, it's a WP that's used fairly often by
the US government for some reason or another. Seeing as how our government
is huge and loves paperwork, there are a lot of legacy documents floating
around out there.

The applix file-format isn't all that complex, at least for a first, simple
implementation. What I'd like to see is for us to export formatted text to
the Applix format flawlessly, at least initially.

This shouldn't be all that hard to do. I've already done a *lot* of the
legwork needed to handle the Applix format itself in the imp_Applix and
exp_Applix classes, so your job (though it won't be a cake-walk) won't be
really that difficult.

I have a farily large number of sample documents and I think that the spec
is publicly published on the web.

Any takers?

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