Re: Porting to another OS?

Subject: Re: Porting to another OS?
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 16:17:02 CDT

On lundi, avril 23, 2001, at 09:11 , David Given wrote:

> I am vaguely interested in doing an Abiword port to another operating
> system.
> What's involved in this? I've had a brief look at the GTK code, and it
> seems to
> consist of a bunch of classes, one per dialogue box, plus one for the
> main
> application. What's the minimum you have to do to get *something*, no
> matter how
> useless, running?

OK being the current MacOS ported, I think I'm quite in a good position
to answer.
So to get Abiword on a news platform, there are several things to be

1/ make a new build system. If you can have GNU tool suite, it is fine.
Just had a couple of platform makefiles, define a couple of things and
that's OK. They are in abi/src/config/platform and
abi/src/config/requires/. You also need to make changes into
abi/src/config/ to autodetect the system. This is done using
uname command (if you have it).
2/ implement src/af/ platform classes. At least, ev, gr and util
3/ implement the main xap platform classes and abi/src/wp/ap classes.
Provide a main in /abi/src/wp/main

You should get the basics working. But this is a not quick process. If
youl don't understand at least one (or better two or more) native
platforms already supported, you'll have trouble as you need to actually
see what other have done to understand how you should go.

Just out of curiosity, what platform do you wish to target ?


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