Re: Importing HTML

Subject: Re: Importing HTML
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:41:09 CDT

>Would it be hard to allow non well-formed HTML to be imported ?
>If not, how hard would it be to provide return on the syntax error
>so that user can fix it and try again ?

Yes, this would be very hard. Currently, we base our HTML importer on our
XML importer class, which means that the HTML must be well-formed. Writing a
parser for HTML isn't high on my priority list, though, esp. with all of the
nastiness that the browsers allow you to do. XHTML deprecates a lot of the
tags (yay!) and is *very* strict about what can appear where

It shouldn't be too hard to propegate a more-descriptive error message
upstream, however.

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