[Patch] en-GB please commit

Subject: [Patch] en-GB please commit
From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:46:48 CDT

> However, it will also be necessary to modify the menu and toolbar
> labels; there are instructions on this in the
> AbiSource_Localization.abw document (abi/docs).

Im fairly sure this has not yet been commited,
Its a start, i will take another look at the rest after my exams

 // \\   
/(   )\  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<!-- ============================================================== --> <!-- This file contains AbiWord Strings. AbiWord is an Open Source --> <!-- word processor developed by AbiSource, Inc. Information about --> <!-- this application can be found at http://www.abisource.com --> <!-- This file contains the string translations for one language. --> <!-- This file is covered by the GNU Public License (GPL). --> <!-- ============================================================== -->

<!-- British (and Irish) English Localisation provided by Alan Horkan <Alan.Horkan@maths.tcd.ie> --> <!-- en-GB is mostly the same as en-US, and en-IE does not conflict with en-GB to the best of my knowledge -->

<AbiStrings app="AbiWord Personal" ver="1.0" language="en-GB">

<Strings class="XAP" DLG_UFS_ColorTab=" Colour " DLG_UP_Grayscale="Greyscale" DLG_UP_Color="Colour" />

<Strings class="AP" MSG_IE_BogusDocument="File %s is an invalid document" DLG_Para_AlignCentered="Centred" DLG_Para_PreviewSampleFallback="This paragraph represents words as they might appear in your document. To see text from your document used in this preview, position your cursor in a document paragraph with some text in it and open this dialogue." DLG_Tab_Radio_Center="Centre" FIELD_DateTime_MilTime="24 Hour Time" DLG_PageNumbers_Center="Centre" />


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