Bug Target Milestones

Subject: Bug Target Milestones
From: Jesper Skov (jskov@zoftcorp.adsl.dk)
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 03:19:51 CDT


Just to avoid confusion: _I_ am not stipulating which bugs to fix at
which times. I'm merely setting bug milestones to my preference so we
have something to go by when we decide to push for 0.9.x and 1.0.

I strongly believe we need a bug council to make final calls for what
bugs should be fixed before each 0.9.x release (I hope for at least 2
or 3 0.9.x releases, and the 0.9.0 target is a glob for those).

But I'm not sure anybody is actually interested in spending that time,
so I'm just setting some guidelines. Core developers (you know who you
are - and more importantly, people who are not should know that too)
should feel free to adjust target milestones just as I've been doing
it. Other people should use their votes and hope for the best :)

Presently there's:
 200 bugs without a milestone set,
 28 bugs for 0.9.x,
 50 bugs for 1.0, and
 43 bugs set for future (post 1.0).

When we go for 0.9.0 (I believe we'll probably do 0.7.15 before then),
we should decide how many 0.9.x releases to go for, and spread the
0.9.x and 1.0 bugs out over these.

We'll probably have to revise the planning underways, but I think it's
important for us to have something to guide us and give us
focus. Otherwise there's little point in going on a bug squash release

No, I'm not saying by posting this now that we should prepare for
0.9.0 tomorrow. I just wanted to avoid people assuming I thought I'd
become king all of a sudden :)

Jesper / trying to make a difference

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