Re: fribidi problem

Subject: Re: fribidi problem
From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 02:51:09 CST

Tomas Frydrych wrote:

>>>Strictly speaking, this is not a fribidi problem, it just uses glib, and
>>>if we did use glib for our memory management it probably would
>>>not happen. Though, I am puzzled why this should be happening at
>>Doesn't make sense to me either, unless memory is being freed somewhere
>>but then used afterwards anyway (by which time it has been reallocated
> They use g_mem_chunk_new to allocate an area of memory, and
> then they use g_chunk_new to allocate varibles withing this chunk.
> The problem seems to be that the chunk is not locked or
> something and so new allocates over a portion of it. I have just
> been looking at glib source code and it from what I saw it is
> possible that glib uses a different allocator from malloc; I do not
> know whether this is the case here (although it would explain the
> problem), but the very fact it could be, makes me think that we
> need to get rid of the g_malloc calls in the fribidi library, and
> perhaps elsewhere.

Pointing out the obvious... we already use another library that does
plenty of g_malloc's... gtk+ (or am I missing something?).

Tomas, all you 100% confident that g_malloc is the real problem?

Please, can you explain what's giving you the feeling that g_malloc &/|
g_mem_chuck_new are the real problem?


Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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