Re: .po scripts

Subject: Re: .po scripts
From: Karl Ove Hufthammer (
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 06:21:52 CST

2001-12-05 00:34:40, Alexander Shopov <>:

> 2. Updatng po file
> cp language.po abi/po
> cd abi/po
> ./ language

(I assume you mean '' -- '' doesn't exist.)

This doesnt work properly. Before I converted the abi file to
po, I had 17 untranslated strings (in the .strings file),
according to ''. When I created the .po,
modified/translated this, and converted it back to a .strings
file, I had 196 untranslated strings. Most of these came from
'empty' strings, e.g.:


But it seems that the problem hasn't got anything to do with
empty strings per se, only 'duplicate' strings. For example,
the following strings all have the value 'Preview'[1]:


But when I use, only *one* of them
('DLG_PageNumbers_Preview') is moved to the .po file. This
means that five of them will be untranslated (when moving the
strings back to the .strings file, and when running AbiWord).

[1] This is *good*, by the way. It may be translated into
    different words in the target language, depending on the
    context in which they appear.

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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