Re: Commit: Start of Lock Styles work

Subject: Re: Commit: Start of Lock Styles work
From: Bryce Nesbitt (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 12:05:13 CST

Dom Lachowicz wrote:
> Not finished by a longshot right now, but it's a good start.
> Dom

Right now "Bold Italic Overline Underline Topline Bottomline Strike Superscript Subscript" are
locked out. I originally though this was the proper way, but changed my mind a while ago.
It's way too awkward to set up a seperate for each of those.

Like "heading 1", saying "bold" is an explicit statement of what you want. It's well formatted, so to speak, and easy to convert. "Lock styles" is meant to keep the documented formatted within certain constraints, and these character styles are not inconsistent with that goal.

There are certain styles, like "heading 1" that you'd rather a user not apply a character style to. But
as a first pass at implementation, I'd rather leave this risk than lose character styles altogether.


PS: If you want to try locked styles, modify a document as so:

<abiword xmlns:awml="" version="unnumbered" fileformat="1.0" styles="locke

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