Re: I plan to move AbiGdkPixbuf into the main tree.

Subject: Re: I plan to move AbiGdkPixbuf into the main tree.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 07:20:22 CST

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:

> On Tue, 2001-12-18 at 06:14, Martin Sevior wrote:
> > True enough. I put it there because there is some other little bits of
> > gnome and other conditionally made code around in impexp/xp. Plus I wasn't
> > sure I'd be able to setup the Makefiles for it.
> I still haven't got an answer on how to get the plugin built alognside
> with the gtk build.
> RPM specs don't allow the same file to be inserted in more than one rpm.
> So I can't build the plugin separetely.

rms, the code that is in the plugin is now in the main abiword tree. No
plugin gets made during the main build, the functionality provided by the
plugin is now provided by the main gnome build.

As for how to build a gtk-only gdk-pixbuf plugin, - frankly I don't know
or care very much. The plugin I wrote assumed the existance of gdk-pixbuf
linked to the main abiword tree - this was only true for the gnome build

In other words the gdk-pixbuf loader would not work for gtk only builds.
To make it work for gtk-only would require forking gdk-pixbuf and a few
other gnome libraries. I'm not sure which. They are all available for the
gnome platform which is MUCH richer than gtk-only. This seems pretty
silly. The gtk-only build is for people who for some reason don't want or
don't have all the gnome libraries.

I suggest we no longer make rpms of the gdk-pixbuf loader plugin. We can
keep the code in the plugin tree though. It might be useful for someone.



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