Trouble compiling CVS

Subject: Trouble compiling CVS
From: Jonathan (
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 19:59:08 CST


 I am having some troubles compiling the CVS version of Abiword on SuSE 7.3
(x86). I get the following errors after doing make:
gcc -o wvWare wvWare.o -L. -lwv -lpng -lz -L/usr/lib -lglib -lm
./libwv.a(generic.o): In function `wvTempName':
/home/planck/abiword/wv/./generic.c:92: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous,
better use `mkstemp'
./libwv.a(utility.o): In function `TemporaryFilename':
/home/planck/abiword/wv/magick/./utility.c:126: the use of `tempnam' is
dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
./libwv.a(text.o): In function `wvLIDToCodePageConverter':
/home/planck/abiword/wv/./text.c:599: undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
/home/planck/abiword/wv/./text.c:599: undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
/home/planck/abiword/wv/./text.c:604: undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
/home/planck/abiword/wv/./text.c:604: undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
 I have autoconf-2.13-349 and automake-1.4_p5-44 installed. I also have
installed my Freetype and Freetype-devel libraries along with ImageMagik and
it's development libraries. I followed the instructions and ran the script, then ./configure. However when I do make I get the above
error. Mr.Franklin was kind enough to give me some advice but I am still
unable to compile. I also have iconv installed:
iconv: /usr/bin/iconv /usr/local/bin/iconv /usr/include/iconv.h
I also have libwmf installed rpm -q libwmf
$> libwmf-0.2.0-44



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