Re: Styles Dialog

Subject: Re: Styles Dialog
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 16:38:18 CST


Thanks for the brain dump. Having given some thought to styles myself, a
few thoughts:

1. I agree that this is a very useful simplification for 1.0.

2. If you want to allow existing style definitions to be edited, too, the
main work needed would be to allow various formatting dialogs to feed their
props out to the style dialog, instead of the view. This may require some
tidying of the APIs in and out of the XP dialog code.

3. Note, however, that by allowing deletion of existing style definitions,
you'll probably already have dealt with the problem of efficiently
reformatting referenced instances of that style across the entire document.
Hint -- this operation isn't anywhere near as common as typing, so
optimization may not be as critical.

4. Come to think of it, there are probably some easier ways to cheat on #3,
but it'd take some reverse-engineering to see which one users are
conditioned to expect.

5. Finally, some thought should be given to undo. Are changes to the set
of defined styles undoable? (They probably should be.) At what
granularity? (I haven't thought it through.)


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