Re: Optimization Opportunities 1 [long]

Subject: Re: Optimization Opportunities 1 [long]
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 12:08:36 CST

>Well, for starters, profiling tools for linux suck. What I have are
>two programs, gprof and gcov. gprof generates a big listing of
>functions, and how much time they take, and a big call graph. From
>that I deduced that these four functions were taking up basically all
>the time it took to start up. Then, I looked at the gcov coverage
>data to determine where in those functions the bottlenecks were.

Agreed, but have you tried using MemProf by Owen Taylor (of GTK+ fame)? I
have 0.4 on my system and it is a pretty neat tool. Definitely more usful
than gprof (IMHO, of course) and you get a pretty graphical interface.

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