Speaking of the Style Dialog...

Subject: Speaking of the Style Dialog...
From: John L. Clark (jlc6@po.cwru.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 18:47:32 CST

On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 10:59:33AM +1100, Martin Sevior wrote:
> The Numbered Headings is so easy I'll implement it once the Styles dialog
> is in.

I'll try to have it done as soon as possible. It's quite a trick to
work around school and alternate responsibilities. But I'm reading
through a lot of source code and trying to figure out how to implement

Which brings me to my first real brain buster. The Style drop down menu
currently displays the 6 default styles, which are hardwired into
ap_UnixToolbar_StyleCombo.cpp, line 64. The first thing I have been
trying to do is figure out a way to get the macroed-out code to work, in
order to be able to display all styles. As it says, we need a reference
to the document or view in order to be able to access the enumStyles
method. However, the creation and management of the toolbar is dealt
with through the *Toolbar classes, which don't seem to know anything
about the PD_Document. Any thoughts on where I should look to figure
out how to expose this information to the StyleCombo class? Is there
anything in the Document structure which knows about the toolbars and

As I begin to develop the Styles dialog, where should I look for good
example code? Is anyone else working on this? What sort of ETA should
I shoot for?

Thanks guys,


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