Re: Mime-types

Subject: Re: Mime-types
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 19:31:04 CST

paul> Does adding the vnd. prefix really help that much in the IETF
paul> process? An argument could quite easily be made that:

Yeah, there is a specific and significant process difference. With
"vnd." you can pretty much register whatever you want as long as it
isn't obviously bogus. Without "vnd." you get the IETF review
process, including the publishing of an RFC and approval by the IESG
before the subtype can be registered. "vnd." was invented to get past
all that process stuff for vendor subtypes. (If it makes you feel any
better, RFC-2048 says they use a liberal interpretation of "vendor".)

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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