Re: XP dialogs

Subject: Re: XP dialogs
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Sat Feb 10 2001 - 17:50:01 CST

On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 05:19:53PM +0100, Mike Nordell wrote:
> I've since I first lay my eyes on our dialog code had a firm belief that all
> dialogs should really be in XP code and XAP code should provide the adaption
> needed to get them to work on each our platforms.

I completely agree with you.

> I've mentioned before that I think that currently there's hardly any, if any
> at all, hope that we will ever support a new platform since it would be a
> too daunting task to create all dialogs *once again* for a new platform
> (i.e. we're wasting time doing this over and over, and over again). We also
> have a maintenance nightmare that if any dialog gets changed for one
> platform we have to (currently) change it three times more for the other
> ones.

The original approach seems to be sloppy, essensially forcing all
dialogs to be reimplemented natively on each platform. This is a waste
of time and defeats much of the purpose of being cross-platform.

I remember that over a year ago someone posted to the list strongly
suggesting that we should completely switch to wxWindows and even
considering doing the port. I don't think anything got done on this
front. I don't know about wxWindows so I'm not going to currently
reccomend it.

What we need is something like wxWindows, a set of generic widgets
which are abstracted so they can be implemented natively on each
platform. This could be an external library, or it could be done in
XAP. Either way would not be easy. But it really needs to be done.

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