overstriking characters

Subject: overstriking characters
From: Tomas Frydrych (tomas@frydrych.uklinux.net)
Date: Sun Feb 11 2001 - 15:55:46 CST

The Unix version of AW does not handle overstriking characters
correctly, it treats them like normal characters (this might be a
problem on other platforms too, although not on Windows, since
the Win ttf engine handles this).

We could create a lookup table along the lines

struct {
    UT_UCSChar lower_indx;
    UT_UCSChar upper_indx;
} lut_entry;

lut_entry LUT [] {{0x0590, 0x05c4}, ...};

where the lower_indx and upper_indx would mark out contigous
blocks of overstriking characters. We could then use binary search
to test if a UCS-2 value represents an overstriking character and if
so, we would take necessary steps in adjusting the width. This
would work for both screen and the PS printing, since we output
characters one by one in both cases.

Anyone has got a better idea how to handle this?


tomas@frydrych.net / www.frydrych.net
PGP keys: http://www.frydrych.net/contact.html

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