more on Abi on an SGI

Subject: more on Abi on an SGI
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 06:21:01 CST

I mailed last week about compiling AbiWord for my SGI Indigo...

well, despite trying f. hard to compile, I gave up and found a pre-compiled
binary on SGI's freeware disk.

Its version 0.7.8 and is sort of OK, except for the following:

 - it won't print *at all*

 - after inserting forced page breaks, forward deleting at the bottom
   of a page (removing the following forced page break) causes a core
   dump :-(

 - justifying text causes strange superscript effects randomly throughout
   the text

Are any of these familiar problems, known to be fixed in later versions?
If so I'll have another bash at compiling. (at least now I know I have the
libraries all installed).


      Jayne Gilmour, BSc. MSc.  Unix & Network Administrator 
       Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter

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