Re: Source indentation style - take II

Subject: Re: Source indentation style - take II
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Sun Feb 18 2001 - 11:42:55 CST

At 10:06 AM 2/17/01 +0100, Jesper Skov wrote:
>I just tried on pp_AttrProp.cpp which has only been edited by
>abisource people. It results in changes like these (which cannot be

Bummer. The notion of a "mode-jeff" pretty-printer kind of tickled my
fancy. :-)

>And it's clear screen width should be 130+ chars to contain the
>comments in existing form.

Ick. We have comments that wide? The only place I could imagine that being
appropriate would be as column headers for a really wide table.

>Agree. But if you look at the current code base you'll see that it's
>far from consistent. That makes it very annoying to read - for _me_ -
>in _emacs_. I'm sure it doesn't matter much if the editor enforces a
>special layout when loading a file - which is how I suspect we came to
>have the current mess.

Don't forget -- cvsblame is your friend here. If you notice that someone's
editor is producing inconsistent indents, it's entirely appropriate to send
some gentle emails (privately, of course) to inquire why.

I suspect that this has also been the motivation behind some of the emacs
mode threads recently. ;-)

>However, my biggest peeve is the bad line indention. I can fix that
>without changing anything using the emacs indent function. I will do
>that on all files I edit/view in the future. The style guide is pretty
>clear on that issue, so I can hardly be blamed for enforcing it. I
>just wish I didn't have to do it manually, is all.

Yes, by all means fix this.


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