attention translators!

Subject: attention translators!
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Sun Feb 18 2001 - 12:12:16 CST

Just wanted to bring the following thread to your attention, in case you're
skimming traffic on this list.


At 02:36 PM 2/17/01 -0500, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
>>I build AbiWord with BiDi support on debian Linux
>>with the command
>>now it works but I got 3 TODO icons on the toolbar
>>and two of them are togheter and they works on BiDi support
>>what's wrong?
>Hi Mauro,
>Your translation is not up to date. To all translators on this list: could
>you please update your translations ASAP so that we can release a new build
>by maybe Tuesday? It's really appreciated.

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