Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)

Subject: Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Feb 18 2001 - 23:45:39 CST

On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
> this. How does KWord behave? And StarWriter? Mozilla doesn't ship its own
> fonts and does PS output just fine...

Every Word Processor I've used in Unix has shipped it's own fonts. These
include Word Perfect, Applix Word and Star writer and Abi.

Netscape ships it's own fonts or maps other fonts onto its own for

> If we install new fonts, I'd prefer that they be in some system location so
> that every app on the system could take advantage of them, but there are
> probably some pretty good arguments against this too. Some of our fonts that
> we ship now are pretty old too (~1994 I think).

If we do this we have to be very careful about security since by
definition we need to write to system areas. Maybe some compromise between
security and bloat can be reached. Ie. Ship a tool to do system wide
installation of fonts but allow users to install fonts into the .abiword
directory somewhere.

Then sys admins can do the job for everyone or users can use up their own
disk quotas for neat fonts they've just got off the net. There are also a
lot of users who are the only users on their personal unix system (like



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