Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)

Subject: Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)
From: Sam TH (
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 15:59:47 CST

On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 10:19:06AM -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
> Hey folks,
> This thread seems to be getting detoured into the whole font installation
> quagmire, so I'd like to refocus people's attention on the following
> proposal.
> Note that this proposal wouldn't necessarily *require* the installation of
> *any* fonts. My question to Tomas and others is whether it's feasible at
> all. If so, then we can go ahead and ship a solution which makes all
> existing Type 1 and TTF fonts printable and WYSIWYG.
> Once again, it's my belief that the current debate -- about whether we
> should *also* ship and install a standard set of fonts in some appropriate
> location -- may be totally orthogonal to this basic technology question.

Here's what I would like to see happen:

When AbiWord starts up (maybe only the first time), it figures out
what fonts are available, and uses them. It also tries to find the
AbiWord fonts, but doesn't refuse to start if they aren't found. And
if the user wants to add additional fonts, then thay can do so inside

There are two potential problems I see here. One is that it's
basically impossible to know where fonts are going to be. Second is
that loading lots and lots of fonts on startup is likely to be slow.
But I'm sure we can work out a quality solution.
        sam th
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