Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)

Subject: Re: Rant (Was Re: printing in gnome port)
From: Jeffry Smith (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 08:14:40 CST

WJCarpenter said:
> paul> Is there some usage scenario where X provides access to display
> paul> fonts, but does so in a way which makes it impossible for the
> paul> AbiWord process to locate the corresponding raw font files? I
> paul> can think of two cases:
> Isn't that the basic scenario of having the X display (server) on a
> different machine from the client? Doesn't X use the fonts the server
> can find (via the local filesystem or a font server)? In such cases,
> the client can only find out what the X server is willing to tell it.

Right. The problem is that the abiword script does an explicit search for the
Abiword install fonts:
# Change this if you move your fonts
# Set run-time font path
    xset fp+ $ABISUITE_FONT_HOME 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Of course, unless the 2nd machine has abiword installed, it doesn't have those
paths (actually, it's even worse, because the above is from my Debian system,
and my RH system with a 0.7.12 install does a different search). Thus,
abiword dies. It was getting really annoying to have bounce my RH system to
my debian system, and have abiword die because it couldn't find fonts I not
only knew were installed, but that I actually have my font server serving up
(so all my apps can get them). I ended up doing a bunch of moving stuff
around & renaming stuff on both machines to get it to work (yes, it's
possible, but a PITA. email me, if anyone wants the steps I took).

Not being an X expert, I don't know what the issues are with pulling font
metrics from the font servers, but I know my system knows not only about the
Abiword fonts, but a whole bunch of others (including a bunch of non-latin
stuff). If someone with expertise could figure out how to get the font info
into abiword, we would eliminate this problem, and enable AW to use all the
fonts installed.


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